How 'Convalescent Plasma’ Therapy Works
Microorganisms cause many diseases and our body‘s immune system defend itself against these attacks and become immune to new attacks. According to the defense mechanism the immune system forms antibodies that neutralize poisons, or toxins, that are formed by microorganisms. Along with other researchers, Emil von Behring showed that by means of blood plasma (serum), antibodies could be transferred from one person or animal to another person, who also then became immune. He developed, in 1891, a cure for diphtheria by injecting infected patients with antibodies taken from animals, an example of a treatment method called “convalescent plasma therapy”.
Convalescent plasma is blood plasma extracted from an animal or human patient who has “convalesced” or recovered from infection with a particular disease.Convalescent plasma provides “passive immunity” to body. The body under attack doesn’t create its own antibodies against the microorganisms, rather obtain them from another person or animal who has successfully defend itself against disease. These antibodies can effectively reduce recovery times and reduce mortality.
History of Plasma Therapy
Since von Behring’s serum treatment and until the antibiotic era, plasma therapy was used effectively to prevent and treat many bacterial (e.g. diphtheria, pneumococcus, meningococcus) and some viral (e.g. measles, mumps, etc.) infections.
During the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, plasma therapy was particularly effective when patients received the antibodies in the early days of their infection, before their own immune systems had a chance to overreact and damage vital organs.
The use of plasma to treat patients has also been used successfully to treat patients infected with Coronaviruses, namely Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). During the SARS pandemic in 2003, it spread to 26 countries and caused around 8,000 deaths. In some cases, plasma from recovered patients were used to treat those who were infected. Seventeen years later, there is still no vaccine or cure for SARS.
In 2013, when the Ebola became epidemic with high fatality, plasma therapy was again used to treat patients as the development of vaccines always take time. The first vaccine was approved in the US in 2019, but it is still a preventive measure. There is still no cure for the disease.
Is blood plasma donation safe?
Blood plasma donation is a safe process that has been used for more than hundred years in order to save lives. Every day thousands of people safely and painlessly donate blood plasma in a highly regulated environment by professionally trained healthcare staff using sterile, one-time-use, disposable materials. Facilities follow strict guidelines by medical authorities when collecting plasma to ensure the donor’s safety and comfort.
What are the key steps of plasma donation?
You must have had COVID-19 documented by a laboratory test or an antibody test, or clinical diagnosis and meet other donor criteria. You must also be symptom free for at least 14 days prior to visiting a donor center.
You will be asked to show proof of identification, contact information and laboratory documents when you arrive at the donor center. All information will be kept strictly confidential. Transportation will be provided.
You must pass a pre-donation screening, including different blood tests and other health check ups. The goal of this screening is to make sure that the donation is safe for both you and the recipients of the final product.
Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will be requested to come again at the donation center. Here you will rest on a donor bed while connected to an automated machine that will collect your plasma. You will be carefully monitored by staff throughout the donation process.
Blood plasma is collected through an automated process that separates plasma from other blood components, then returns your red blood cells and platelets to you. This process continues until a target amount of plasma has been collected.
What is blood plasma?
Plasma – the liquid portion of the blood – can be easily replaced by your body. It consists mainly of water, proteins and antibodies that help your body to function. If you have survived COVID-19 then your plasma includes antibodies that could help others fight the virus.
How is blood plasma used?
Plasma from those who have recovered could be a key part of the fight against COVID-19. Once the COVID-19 plasma is donated, it can be directly transfused into patients.