Saraswati Garai , Ph.D.
Organic & Medicinal Chemistry

Research Interest
Isolation and characterization of natural products from the Indian Medicinal Plants and their pharmacological and biological activities and also commercialization.
- Scientist, CSIR-IICB, (2009-still now)
- Scientist B, CSIR-IICB, Kolkata (October 23, 2007-2008)
- Scientist B, RRL(IIIM), Jammu (2004 - October 22, 2007)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tokushima Bunri University, Japan (1998 –1999), Prof. M. Nishizawa
- Ph.D, Organic Chemistry, CSIR-IICB, (1993-1997), Dr. S. B. Mahato
Honours & Awards
- Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR) 1991 & 1992
- IISC Bangalore Ph.D Admission Test 1992
- Research Associateship (CSIR) 1997
- Senior Research Associateship (CSIR) 2002
- Recipient of the Merit Certificate in Chemistry of Indian Science Congress Association’s (ISCA) Young Scientist’s Award programme in January 8, 1997.
- The International Symposium on Current Status and Opportunities in Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (February 21-24, 2010) “Corrosion inhibition of mild steel by bacopasaponins” one of the best of 2 posters in the session on “ Session IV : IPR Industrial and ethical issues”
- Life Membership of Indian Science Congress Association (1996-present)
- Life Memerbership of Association of Carbohydrate Chemists & Technologists (India) (2011-present)
Grants & Supports
- IN HOUSE PROJECT, CSIR-IICB, Kolkata (December, 2012-2017)
Patents & Publications
- BANDHOPADHYAY A, S. GARAI, PP. BANDHOPADHYAY, S. BHATTACHARYA, A. CHATTOPADHYAY, Evaluation of the Anti-cancer effect of of Bacopa monniera - derived dammarane saponins in human breast cancer cell lines. Int. J. Herbal Medicine. 7, 39(2019).
- GARAI S, Discovery of Triterpenoid Saponins Research 2013-2016. Journal of Herbal Medicine, (2018) (Revision).
- GARAI S, R. GHOSH, PP. BANDHOPADHYAY, NC. MANDAL, A. CHATTOPADHYAY. Anti-microbial and Anti-cancer Properties of Echinocystic Acid Extracted from Luffa cylindrica. J.Food.Process.Technol. 2018, 9. 2. DOI:10.4172/2157-7110.1000717.
- GARAI S, Advances in Triterpenoid Saponins Research, Journal of Herbal Medicine, Vol.1 No. 3: 14(2016). DOI: 10.21767/2472-0151.100020.
- GARAI S, Triterpenoid saponins, Natural Product Research & Chemistry, 1-13(2014).
- GARAI S, S. GARAI. Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in acid solution by bacopasaponins from Bacopa monniera. The International Symposium on Current Status & Opportunities in Aromatic & Medicinal Plants (Abstract) (2010).
- MAZUMDAR S, S. GARAI and S. JHA. Use of the cryptogein gene to stimulate the accumulation of bacopasaponins in transgenic Bacopa monnieri plants. Plant Cell Reports. 31, 1899(2012).
- GARAI S, SARASWATI GARAI, P. JAISANKAR, J. K.SINGH and A. ELANGO. A comprehensive study on crude methanolic extract of Artemisia pallens (Asteraceae) and its active component as effective corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in acid solution. Corrosion Science 60, 193 (2012).
- MAZUMDAR, S, S. GARAI and S. JHA. Genetic transformation of Bacopa monniera by wild type strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes stimulates production of bacopasaponins in transformed calli and plants. Plant Cell Reports 30, 941(2011).
- KHAJURIA, A., A. GUPTA, S. GARAI and B. P. WAKHLOO : Immunomodulatory effects of two sapogenins 1 & 2 isolated from Luffa cylindrica in bulb/C mice. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letter , 17, 1608(2007).
- CHAKRAVARTY, A. K., S. GARAI, MASUDA, K and NAKANE, T : Bacopaside III-V : Three more triterpenoid glycosides from Bacopa monniera. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 51, 215(2003).
- SINHA, J., B. RAAY, N. DAS, S. MEDDA, S. GARAI, S. B. MAHATO and M. K. BASU : Bacopasaponin C : Critical Evaluation of Anti-Leishmanial Properties in various Delivery Modes. Drug Delivery 9, 1(2002).
- MAHATO, S. B., S. GARAI and A. K. CHAKRAVARTY ; Two Dammarane – type bisdesmosides from Bacopa monniera. Phytochemistry 53, 711(2000).
- GARAI, S. Synthesis of Alnustic acid glycosides (Abstract) ( Conference in Japan 1999)
- GARAI, S., S. B. MAHATO : Isolation and structure elucidation of three triterpenoid saponins from Acacia auriculiformis. Phytochemistry 44, 137(1997).
- GARAI, S., S. B. MAHATO, K. OHTANI and K. YAMASAKI : Bacopasaponin D- A pseudojujubogenin glysoside from Bacopa monniera. Phytochemistry 43, 447(1996).
- GARAI, S., S. B. MAHATO, K. OHTANI and K. YAMASAKI : Dammarane – type triterpenoid saponins from Bacopa monniera. Phytochemistry 42, 815(1996).
- MAHATO, S. B., GARAI, S. : Triterpenoid saponins, Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural products Herz W., Kirby, G. W. Moore, R. E., Steglich W and Tamm, Ch. Eds. Vol. 74, 1-196, Springer, Wien, New York (1998).