Human Resource Group
Human Resources Group (HRG) has been set up in April 2005 to organize and nucleate Human Resources Management at IICB. HR activities is basically to provide with oversight, guidance and support of required educational services and responsible for different academic & developmental training program. These services include:
- Academic policy, Program & Curriculum development
- Coordination of PhD Course Work
- Academic Counselling & Pre-doc/Post-doc student affairs
- Selection and placement of post graduate students as short-term trainee/intern
- Outreach programme & personal skill upgradation programme
- Career development & Fellowship guidance
- PhD Programme
- Collection and dissimation of comprehensive data and informations to asist in strategic planning for human resource development
Officers & Staff Members
Ms. Debasree Das
+91 3324995702
Senior Technical Officer (1)
Md. Ayub Shah
+91 33 24995702
Senior Technician (2)