Publication & Information Division

This division is basically catering the diverse informational activities, publication and monitoring of reports. The major contribution of this division lies in assisting scientists in day to day maintenance of the institute activities and innovations, project profiles, publication records and research utilization data. The division is involved in the following wide spectrum of programmes:
  • Preparation of Annual Plan and Budget.
  • Preparation of IICB Annual Report and half-yearly reports.
  • Preparation of documents released during events.
  • Dissemination of information to scientific milieu on relevant subjects.
  • Documents on IICB inputs for CSIR Annual Reports and CSIR Research Outputs.
  • Assistance to scientists, fellows and staff members for participation in seminars, symposia and conferences.
  • Maintenance of database for testing and calibration.
  • Total management of all technical queries.
  • Public relations, advertisement and news and views forum.
  • Display of scientific achievements in exhibitions and science news dissemination.
  • Advice and comments for management of parliament queries and other related crucial matters of institute.
  • Assist in management of Five-Year Plans.
  • Monthly Report of IICB for PPD, CSIR.


Scientist Visit & Events

The P&I division is also responsible for the announcement and arrangement of seminars for the national and international scientists who often visit the institute and like to share their research activities with IICB faculties.


Art section in P&I division renders full support to all the staff members during scientific seminars/symposia and all national events by preparing displays, illustrations, posters, exhibits and slides. Diagrams, charts, graphs for publication in national and international journals are also prepared in this section. This section is working in collaboration with the Photography section for making each exhibition a great success in highlighting the institute’s achievements. This section also participates in preparing artworks and cover-designs for Hindi Day and Hindi Report and also carries out work for decoration of floor & institute during various scientific and official programmes. Art section prepares Name Plates for committee meetings, conferences and   various functions of the Institute and designs Mementos and Medals.


Officers & Staff Members

  • Dr. Sarita Ghosh

    Senior Principal Scientist & Head

  • Dr. Anirban Manna

    Senior Technician

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