Business Development Group

Business Development 

CSIR-IICB is an R&D laboratory actively engaged in both basic and applied research. It undertakes contract projects (Grant-in-Aid, Collaborative, Sponsored, Consultancy) as well as testing and analysis of select samples from academic institutions/ industries. The laboratory has several National and International R&D project,and many Academic and Industry interactions.. We have to our credit a large number of high impact publications, we have an impresseive patent portfolio and few Technology Transfers. The laboratory plays a major role in Human Resource Development by training PG and Ph.D students.

Major Activities of Business Development Group at IICB are

  • Liason with industries and R&D institutions
  • Licensing/Transfer of  in house Technologies
  • Utlization of Knowledge base / expertise developed  in house
  • Business and Partnership Negotiations
  • Assistance for Technical Services
  • Negotiation of Collaborative/Interdisciplinary Research, Agreements and MoUs


Intellectual Property Management 

CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology is engaged primarily in research on diseases and certain biological problems of global interest and is continuously developing its knowledge base through world-class scientific research and innovation. The Institute is conducting basic research related to human health care with an intention to translate basic knowledge into technologies for the benefit of mankind.

All innovations of the Institute after an assessment of the potential for commercialization are protected through the filing of patents or copyrights by its Intellectual Property Management (IPM) cell. The IPM cell of CSIR-IICB, in close co-ordination with the Unit For Research & Development of Information Products (URDIP) and Innovation Protection Unit (IPU) of CSIR, is engaged in protecting the technologies developed with an objective to put forward these technologies towards the benefit of mankind. With the help of a new Comprehensive Patent Database prepared by this cell, now brief information about a patent filed by CSIR-IICB, since 1990 is just a click away.


This cell continuously maintains liaison with Scientists of CSIR-IICB and IPU, CSIR to protect Intellectual Properties of CSIR-IICB/CSIR. The IPM Cell, CSIR-IICB provides all information, clarifications, explanations and reports to IPU, CSIR regarding new patent applications, granted patents and renewal or lapsing of existing patents in consultation with concerned inventors within corresponding time-limit. The IPM Cell always extends co-operation to the scientists, CSIR-IICB in writing and filing patent applications. This cell prepares, maintains and disseminates all information regarding patent application, status of the application, renewal etc. as, when and where it is required. IPM cell, CSIR-IICB provides all necessary inputs and sends information to IPU, CSIR regarding Parliamentary Questions; prepares year wise documents on total Patents of CSIR-IICB filed and granted;  prepares Commercial Working Report of CSIR-IICB Patents for IPU, CSIR; and sends Renewal / Lapse recommendations of CSIR-IICB patents annually to IPU, CSIR.

In case of technology transfer or business tie-ups the IPM Cell provides all the necessary information relating to patents. During last few years efforts have been taken to license out patents and the drug for benign prostatic hyperplasia has already been launched into Indian market.


Patents (in-force): India:  click here

Patents (in-force): Outside India:  click here

Technology available for Licensing / co-development:  click here


Officers & Staff Members

  • Dr. Upasana Ray

    Head, BDG & Principal Scientist & Deputy Head, Infectious Diseases and Immunology

    Visit Web Page

  • Dr. Ranjan Jana

    Deputy Head, BDG and Sr. Principal Scientist, Organic & Medicinal Chemistry

    Visit Web Page

  • Shri Sandeep Aggarwal

    +91 33 2499 5849


  • Ms. Arti Grover

    +91 33 24995702

    Senior Technical Officer (2)