1) The CSIR-IICB KRC/Library remains open from 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM on all working days (Monday to Friday). Circulation Counter remains open from 10.00 AM to 5.30 PM (Recess time: 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM).
2) The users shall be responsible for any damage or mutilation done to the documents (books, periodicals, CDs, etc.) and shall be required to replace such documents or to pay the value thereof.
3) CSIR-IICB permanent staff and JRF/SRF/RA/PA (Temporary Staff) can borrow only three books/bound volume journals at a time for a period of 30 days. Books of special demand are lent out only for shorter period.
4) Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Directories and other Reference books shall not be issued; it is only for use inside the library.
5) Current periodicals are issued for duration of overnight only.
6) Before leaving the KRC/library, the reader shall be satisfied as to whether the book issued to him/her is in sound condition. If not, he/she shall forthwith bring the matter to the notice of in-charge/staff of KRC/Library; otherwise the reader is liable to be held responsible for condition of the book.
7) Loan of documents may be renewed for a further period if:
i) Demand for the document is not received.
ii) Renewal does not exceed three consecutive times.
8) Knowledge resources are mainly used for study and research purposes.
9) If the document is reported (in writing) as lost or mutilation by users
i) Lost documents have to be replaced by the users.
ii) Photocopy of the lost document is not acceptable.
iii) If the lost document is not available in the market the user has to pay the amount which will be decided by the KRC/Library Committee.
10) To use the library reading room user must register their biographical details mentioned.
11) CSIR-IICB staff members/users may suggest documents (books/journals, databases etc.) for consideration to be included in the KRC/Library.
12) Private belongings shall be kept in the designated place of the KRC/Library.
13) Silence should be observed inside the KRC/Library.
14) Usage of mobile phone is not permitted inside the KRC/Library.
15) Smoking, spitting & sleeping are strictly prohibited in the KRC/Library.